You are a safe driver, you haven’t had any claims against your insurance and you haven’t had any tickets or accidents in more than 5 years. You pay your car insurance premiums automatically and have never been late. You may be the perfect candidate for discounted/inexpensive car insurance but you might still be paying too much.
According to online consumer data averages; the following companies offer discounted car insurance for most good drivers:
Even you if already have your insurance with one of these companies; you may not know that they offer additional discounts by enrolling in certain free programs.
Nationwide offers a safe-driving discount for those drivers who have no accidents or tickets for 5 years. This savings can take up to 10% off your car insurance rates.
GEICO offers an “Accident-Free Good Driver Discount”. If you have not had any accidents of tickets in the past 5 years, this plan can save you an additional 26%.
Progressive offers discounts for good drivers that can save up to $130 off your semi-annual rates.
Liberty Mutual offer a “RightTrack” program that saves good drivers up to 30% on their car insurance.
State Farm offers safe driving discounts for customers who have had no claims, tickets or accidents for 3 years.
Allstate offers an “Allstate Rewards” program which lets your safe driving earn points. These points can be redeemed for online purchases, gift cards and other shopping needs. While it may not save you money on your car insurance, it will save you money on some everyday purchases.
Not all car insurance discounts are based on your past driving record. Many insurance companies are now offering “usage-based insurance” plans or “Telematics”. Telematics are devices you plug into your car or download to your smartphone which then tracks your driving habits. Your insurance rates could either go up or down based on the data that is sent to the company.
It is important to note that sometimes these telematic devices may increase your insurance rates, especially if you have multiple drivers on your plan (such as teenagers or young adults) who tend to drive over the speed limit or recklessly.
Even if you have no accidents or tickets, if you accelerate too quickly or stop too abruptly on a normal basis, the telematic device can mark this against you.
It is recommended that you review your insurance plans at least every 2 years. Many times, safe drivers find they are paying for insurance options that no longer apply to their needs.
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you may qualify for additional discounts on your car insurance.